Thursday, January 27, 2011

Welcome To My New Weight Loss & Body Image Blog ...

My "normal" vent about and reflect on life and the larger aspects of my life blog, Diary of a Gamer Girl, just didn't seem the appropriate place to put all of this out there, although I have no problem talking about body image issues there, I just felt the need to have a place where I'm accountable to myself, if not other people for this adventure I'm about to go on.

I intend to keep this as kind of a weight loss diary, however, I'm sure issues will come up with other people and their support, or lack there of, of my dieting and goals, and many other issues will come up that I may need to vent about and this will be the appropriate spot for that.

I am still deciding if I will put "numerical" information on here or not. I know I will at the end if not at the beginning, and I have no problem saying that I've lost or gained "x" amount of pounds or inches, however putting those exact numbers out there may be hard for me, but at the same time I might need to do just that.

What I do know is that I have a long journey ahead, and I have a plan that I hope will work for me without paying somebody else (ie Weight Watchers or Jenny Craig or a personal trainer) to hold me accountable, this blog will be my accountability.

So, yes, welcome to my new journey ... thank you for coming with me ...

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